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Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

AMD APU A10-7800, A8-7600 & A6-7400K (Maen Game Tanpa Nambah Beli VGA)

Seperti yang kita tahu, ngerakit PC itu tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan. Soalnya banyak banget pertimbangan yang harus dipikirin untuk bisa mendapatkan sebuah PC ideal.

Selain dari spek, budget juga menjadi pertimbangan penting. Kenapa? Ya iyalah gan secara spek bagus biasanya butuh harga yang ga sedikit juga, maka itulah agan-agan harus pinter-pinter puter otak, supaya gimana bisa dapet spek PC berkualitas tapi kantong ga ampe jebol. Kecuali kalo agan anak SBY, terserah dah mau ngabisin duit berapa aja buat spek PC yang wah!

Omong-omong soal komponen, komponen paling utama yang harus dipenuhi pada sebuah PC adalah prosesor alias otaknya komputer itu sendiri. Nah, ane ada rekomendasi prosesor mantap nih dari AMD!

AMD APU Seri-A “Kaveri”

AMD kabarnya mengeluarkan kembali APU Seri-A Kaveri lanjutan, dimana diantaranya adalah APU A10-7800, A8-7600 & A6-7400K. Pada APU Seri-A Kaveri kali ini prosesor mempunyai keunggulan lebih hemat daya dibanding dengan pendahulunya. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya fitur unggulan berupa CTDP (Configurable Thermal Design Power), yakni fitur dimana agan bisa menyesuaikan nilai TDP prosesor sesuai kebutuhan. Untuk ketiga seri di atas agan-agan bisa menurunkan batas TDP hingga menjadi 45 Watt (Optimized).

Sebagai catatan, TDP adalah satuan untuk mengukur panas yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah prosessor. Jika jumlah panas yang dihasilkan APU bisa dibuat makin minim berarti penggunaan daya juga makin kecil dan lebih efisien.

Kenapa ane rekomendasiin APU AMD dibanding prosesor biasa?

Kalo agan mau tau APU merupakan CPU+GPU yang tergabung jadi satu chip dimana agan ga usah beli VGA lagi karena udah ada GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) dalam prosesor. Maka itulah sebelumnya ane bilang kenapa prosesor APU ini bisa jadi alternatif buat agan-agan yang pengen ngerakit PC tapi dengan harga terjangkau, soalnya agan tinggal beli prosesor APU udah sekaligus dapet dua: CPU+GPU. Mantap kan???

Selain itu APU (Accelerated Processing Unit) Seri-A versi “Kaveri” dari AMD ini diklaim sebagai “AMD’S MOST ADVANCED APU EVER” (APU AMD PALING TERCANGGIH) dimana merupakan APU pertama di dunia yang menggunakan arsitektur HSA (Heterogeneous System Architecture). Arsitektur HSA sendiri merupakan arsitektur komputasi cerdas yang memungkinkan CPU dan GPU bekerja bersamaan untuk mempercepat pengerjaan komputasi.

Dengan Arsitektur HSA Mampu Membuat CPU dan GPU bekerja bersama-sama menjadi satu kesatuan Compute Core Pada PC

Bagaimana Spek Dari Masing-Masing APU?

Semua prosesor AMD APU Seri A-Kaveri ini telah menggunakan soket FM2+. Pada tingkatan pertama, ada A10-7800 yang merupakan APU yang mirip dari segi spek dengan pendahulunya A10-7850K. Hanya saja seri A10-7800 memiliki harga yang lebih terjangkau. Perbedaan mencolok dari keduanya A10-7800 dan A10-7850K adalah pada tingkat TDP nya dimana A10-7850K memiliki TDP 95 Watt, sedangkan untuk A10-7800 sudah turun menjadi 65 Watt. Bahkan kelebihan dari seri A10-7800 ini adalah pengguna bisa memilih TDPnya antara 65 Watt dan 45 Watt (Optimized TDP) berkat adanya fitur CTDP.

Gambar Perbandingan Kinerja Antara APU A10-7800 yang belum diturunkan TDPnya(65W) dengan yang sudah diturunkan (45W).

Kelebihan APU seperti telah dijelaskan sebelumnya adalah memiliki core tidak hanya dari CPU tapi juga dari GPU dimana bisa meningkatkan kerja prosesor menjadi lebih cepat dalam mengeksekusi aplikasi. Pada A10-7800 sendiri, sudah memiliki hingga 12 Compute Core (4 CPU + 8 GPU) dengan kecepatan 3,5 GHz yang bisa dimaksimalkan hingga 3,9 GHz berkat teknologi TurboCore. Selain itu prosesor ini juga udah support memory DDR3-2133. Untuk peningkatan performa agan bisa padukan dengan VGA diskrit seperti AMD Radeon R7 265 yang akan menghasilkan kinerja PC yang lebih maksimal.

Pada seri A8-7600 disediakan juga fitur CTDP dimana agan bisa mengoptimalisasi TDP agan hingga 45 Watt untuk menghemat penyerapan daya. Namun, dibandingkan dengan A10-7800, APU ini hanya memiliki 10 Compute Core (4 CPU + 6 GPU). Tapi jangan khawatir karena APU ini memiliki kecepatan yang tetap kompetitif yakni 3,1 GHz yang bisa dimaksimalkan menjadi 3,8 GHz. Sangat cocok dipadukan dengan AMD Radeon R7 260 untuk meningkatkan performa.

Untuk APU A6-7400K sama-sama bisa dioptimalkan TDPnya sampai 45 Watt namun memiliki harga yang paling murah dibanding dua APU sebelumnya sehingga sangat terjangkau. Jumlah Compute Core memang paling sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan 2 APU sebelumnya, dimana hanya terdiri dari 6 Compute Core (2 CPU + 4 GPU). Namun APU A6-7400K ini sudah memiliki unlocked multiplier sehingga memungkinkan untuk melakukan overclock untuk mendapatkan tambahan kinerja. Tanpa tambahan grafis diskrit APU ini sudah bisa menjalankan aplikasi gaming dengan cukup baik.

Hasil Benchmark Dengan Prosesor Setingkat

Dari pengujian di atas bisa terlihat kalau AMD APU A10, A8 dan A6 terbukti lebih unggul dalam hal performa dibanding dengan prosesor lain yang setingkat. Selain itu kamu bisa lihat jumlah rate frame per second yang lebih tinggi dibanding prosesor lain saat memainkan game-game berat Battlefield 4, Sniper Elite 3 Dan Guacamelee! Hal ini membuktikan bahwa APU AMD mempunyai kinerja pemrosesan yang lebih cepat.

Masih Banyak Keunggulan Lainnya!

Terdapat keunggulan lain yang musti agan tau dari APU Kaveri ini dimana sudah disupport oleh arsitektur GCN (Graphic Core Next) yang memungkinkan agan untuk bisa menikmati fasilitas-fasilitas seperti API Mantle yang dapat meningkatkan performa PC saat menjalankan game-game bergrafis canggih. Mantle terbukti meningkatkan performa gaming secara signifikan dibandingkan prosesor yang tidak menggunakan teknologi Mantle.

Perbandingan Kinerja APU yang didukung Mantle dan yang Tidak Didukung Mantle

Selain itu agan juga udah bisa nikmatin teknologi TrueAudio yang bikin kualitas suara game jadi lebih baik walau tanpa menggunakan tambahan soundcard.

Dapatkan Game Gratisnya!

Seperti biasa, AMD biasanya suka menyertakan promosi menarik yang pasti bakal bikin agan semua happy. Yak! Apalagi kalo bukan game sodara-sodara. Dengan membeli APU AMD A Series A10-7850K, A10-7800, A10-7700K, A10-6800K, & A10-6790K agan berkesempatan untuk dapetin 1 game ori gratis yakni Thief, Murdered, atau Sniper Elite 3. Namun persediaan kupon terbatas ya gan dan hanya bisa ditukar hingga Oktober 2014.

Jadi kesimpulan ane kenapa ane rekomen APU AMD buat agan-agan yang mau rakit PC:

Selain lebih ekonomis karena agan ga diharuskan untuk beli VGA terpisah, agan juga bisa mengupayakan untuk penghematan daya listrik saat menggunakan PC dengan adanya teknologi CTDP. Agan juga bisa menikmati teknologi plus plus lainnya seperti Mantle, TrueAudio, HSA, yang bisa lebih meningkatkan performa PC dalam menjalankan aplikasi berat seperti saat gaming.

Ditambah dengan bonus game setiap pembelian, dengan keuntungan yang berlipat-lipat, pastinya agan ga bakalan ngerasa rugi ngeluarin duit buat beli APU canggih AMD ini. Dari segi harga, dibanding agan beli CPU plus VGA terpisah, untuk A10-7800 hanya kena harga sekitar 1,8jt, A8-7600 sekitar 1,2jt dan yang paling murah A6-7400K dibandrol dengan harga 900ribuan. Pas banget untuk agan yang ingin rakit PC berkualitas dengan budget terbatas.

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FBI Warns Of Possible Cyber Retaliation in Response to Airstrikes in Iraq and Syria

No specific threats have been formulated by attackers

As a result of military actions taken against Iraq and Syria, the FBI notifies of a potential cyber response from the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams) group and its supporters.
The group is also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Islamic State (IS).

At the moment there is no information about hacktivist groups supporting the ISIS ideology preparing for such activity, so the document from the FBI Cyber Division is a cautionary one.

The file is aimed at private industry and law enforcement and has at its origin intelligence gathered from social media platforms, Twitter included, since the beginning of the year.

Document takes into consideration threats since the beginning of the year

Although the threats are “nonspecific, and probably aspirational,” their iteration has been observed during the early month of September.

“As of early-September 2014, a British media outlet identified the hacker known as Aby Hussain Al Britani as a Syria-based ISIL fighter. Al Britani previously served a six-month sentence in the United Kingdom for hacking the e-mail account of former Prime Minister Tony Blair,” the FBI document says.

Furthermore, the Bureau noticed a tweet from user @Dawlamoon, instigating against Twitter employees, probably because the microblogging company took down several pro-ISIL accounts.

Fear of a cyber-attack under the current military conditions is not unfounded, as hacktivist groups and extremist cyber actors have targeted the websites of US organizations, commercial and governmental, in the past, as a response to military actions in the Middle-East or foreign policies for the region.

FBI provides possible attack types and mitigation preparation

The attacks could come under the form of cross-site scripting (XSS), Structured Query Language (SQL) and service disruption through DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attempts.

The document provides instructions for defending against these types of attacks that could lead to infiltrating into sensitive areas of a company or organization in order to exfiltrate information and to identity theft.

Setting up or revising a data backup plan to store the data in secure locations so that it can be easily restored is first on the FBI list.

DDoS mitigation strategies are also recommended by the FBI, along with implementation of monitoring systems that can record the activity during a potential attack.

Phishing is known to be a powerful tool, especially in targeted attacks that leverage familiar information about the victim; as such, having employees capable of detecting a fraudulent email is particularly important.

Apart from these, the Bureau advises using encryption for sensitive data, implementing strong passwords that are changed on a regular basis, network monitoring and establishing “a relationship with local law enforcement and participate in IT security information sharing groups for early warnings of threats.”
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McAfee Stinger

Handy stand-alone software solution that can detect then clean a wide range of viruses and other types of malware, without slowing down the PC

last updated on : September 30th, 2014, 9:48 GMT
file size : 10.5 MB
price : FREE!
developed by : McAfee
license type : Freeware
operating system(s) : Windows All

McAfee Stinger is a portable and free application designed to remove malware-infected files from the computer. It scans the hard disk on demand and detects viruses, rootkits, Trojans, worms, and other e-threats.

Portability advantages

Since there is no setup pack involved, you can drop the executable file anywhere on the hard disk and launch the tool immediately. There is also the possibility to save McAfee Stinger to a pen drive and scan any suspicious computer without installing anything else.

Just keep in mind that the storage device shouldn't be read-only, since the app automatically creates some files when it's running, such as logs with statistics for each scan. An important aspect worth taking into account is that, unlike most installers, McAfee Stinger does not modify Windows registry settings.

Clean and intuitive interface

The GUI is user-friendly, made from a regular window with a neatly organized layout. By default, the application looks only into system areas where viruses are known to hide, such as program files and the Windows directory. However, you may customize the scan and reduce its duration by handpicking a drive or directory.

Identifies and quarantines malware

During scanning you can view the currently verified file, scan time and total files scanned, along with found and cleaned threats. Any suspicions are sent to the quarantine, where you can decide whether to keep or remove the files in question. Log details may be examined in separate files. It is possible to modify the quarantine's default location and include all scanned files in logs.

Evaluation and conclusion

The tool uses moderate RAM and low CPU during scanning, which may take a while, depending on the target's size. However, we have come across some issues in our tests. McAfee Stinger wouldn't take into account the custom locations we assigned for scanning, and kept running in default mode instead.

Nevertheless, users are welcomed to try McAfee Stinger for themselves and figure out if it's a suitable on-demand virus scanner for them. Just keep in mind that it does not provide real-time protection against malware, so you still have to install an all-round antivirus application to keep the PC safe at all times.

Reviewed by on July 11th, 2014

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AntiVirus Norman Malware Cleaner 2.08.08 (2014.09.30)

On-demand scanner that detects and removes popular forms of malware, which does not require installation and can be run from a pen drive

last updated on : September 30th, 2014, 15:35 GMT
file size : 337 MB
price : FREE!
developed by : Norman
license type : Freeware
operating system(s) :Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit / 2003 / 2008
 Norman Malware Cleaner is one of those straightforward antivirus applications that provide clear-cut options concerning its capabilities. It does not require installation, nor include a real-time guard. The application best proves its effectiveness when paired with a third-party real-time guard, in order to double-check files and folders for malicious activity.

Portability advantages and clear-cut interface

Since the app can be immediately launched by just clicking its executable file, it can be backed up to a removable storage unit as well as run on any infected or suspicious PC without modifying file and registry settings.

Norman Malware Cleaner does not put emphasis on looks, sticking to a classical interface whose main options are split into multiple tabs for each access.

Three different scan methods

The application can verify the computer for malware in three ways: Full looks into all local drives for a thorough checkup, Quick verifies only popular hiding spots such as Program Files and the Windows directory, while Custom gives users the possibility to handpick the exact files, folders and drives to evaluate for suspicious activity.

Scanner configuration and other settings

It is possible to deactivate Norman from unpacking archives, running a pre- and post-scan, scanning the memory, looking for rootkits and fake av products, detecting potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), cleaning viruses and rookits, as well as quarantining objects before cleaning them.

Users may include files with various suspicion levels (the higher the level, the higher chance of detecting false positives), log all scanned objects, point out exclusions, manage the quarantine, as well as investigate the computer for malware using an advanced and risky 

Performance and conclusion

Norman Malware Cleaner delivered good results concerning the virus detection ratio in our evaluation. However, it is very slow when analyzing heavily infected systems and uses significant resources during this time. Nevertheless, casual users are most likely to find Norman Malware Cleaner reliable when using it as a secondary line of defense against malware.

Reviewed by on July 7th, 2014

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Selasa, 30 September 2014

Running Man Episode 214 Subtitle Indonesia

Tamu: Rain, Krystal [f(x)],Park Young Kyu, Alex dan Kim Ki Bang
Tempat: South Korean
Tema: R-POP Star Race Special (My Lovely Girl VS Running Man)
Misi: Menyelesaikan semua misi 
Link Download Lokal


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Windows 9 to Come with Real-Time Telemetry System Codenamed Asimov

Microsoft will unveil Asimov later today
By on September 30th, 2014 09:10 GMT 
Windows 9 will come with lots of new tools to collect user feedback, but Microsoft has also prepared a little bit of something for those who install the preview build of the operating system in order to see what’s happening on users’ computers in real time.
Codenamed Asimov, the new telemetry system will allow Microsoft to collect information regarding the features that customers use the most, thus helping the company deliver updates only to specific computers and depending on their past activity.

While this could obviously raise some privacy concerns, Microsoft will most likely offer a way to protect users’ identity and not collect any other information except their OS activity and the way they interact with new features.

At the same time, the word is that Microsoft is working to divide users into subsets and thus deliver them only the features they want, so Asimov would be specifically developed to help in this regard.

New updates via built-in system

Microsoft plans to release new Windows 9 preview updates on a regular basis, and thanks to a new integrated system, users will be allowed to receive these improvements without the need for a clean install.

That’s actually the big plan behind the testing builds of Windows 9, as Microsoft wants to deliver large updates at least once a month, with new features that would be specifically address to users who need them, all based on information collected from their computers.

All these updates won’t be included in separate ISOs released for download, but only delivered through the new Windows update mechanism that would make it a very seamless process.

Same approach for the stable version as well

Rumor has it that Microsoft is preparing a very similar approach for the final version of Windows 9 too, as the company wants to make this the last stand-alone operating system that it ships.

Basically, future Windows releases could come as large updates for Windows 9, again delivered through the integrated update system and without requiring a fresh install.

This would also come in very handy to users who are trying to keep their current installations untouched, but also makes everything faster and easier for all customer categories.

Of course, Microsoft has no other option than to make this update system work flawlessly when it comes out, but given the past experience with botched Patch Tuesday fixes, there’s no doubt that this is quite a challenge. More information will, however, be provided in a few hours at the San Francisco press event.
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Contact Person

Author : Deby Arifansyah
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Some Destiny Exotic Weapons Are Getting Buffs Soon

Thorn and Bad Juju are getting improvements
By on September 29th, 2014 23:36 GMT 
Bungie has confirmed that it's going to implement a series of buffs to certain exotic-level weapons from its recently launched Destiny first-person shooter, including the likes of Thorn and Bad Juju, so that they feel much more powerful.

Destiny appeared earlier this month and delivered a pretty good first-person shooter experience that took advantage of the multiplayer-only nature to deliver constantly evolving gameplay that reacted to how players behaved and what they felt needed improving.

Seeing as how the game's reception wasn't as impressive as Bungie had hoped, the studio pledged to keep listening to fans to improve the game via updates, hotfixes, and much more.

After detailing its promise and saying just what it hopes to improve in terms of general gameplay, the studio has now confirmed on its website what it wants to tweak in regards to the exotic weapons in the online experience.

Exotic-level guns need to feel overpowered but not unbalanced

First up, Bungie emphasizes its design philosophy when it comes to the weapons that are at exotic rarity level, saying that they need to feel overpowered but not unabalanced, for better or worse, and that most of them certainly meet that criteria after falling into the hands of players from around the world.

"Exotic Weapons are designed to look, feel and sound overpowered, but to not actually break the game. We hope these weapons challenge the way players think about their loadouts and expect their idiosyncrasies to sometimes be a little frustrating. We find ourselves wanting to collect them all and hope players feel the same way," the studio reveals.

Some weapons need improvements, however

Unfortunately, there are a few exotic-level guns that are falling short of meeting the requirements for their rarity class, so some buffs will be applied to the likes of Thorn or Bad Juju, meaning players shouldn't salvage them for raw materials just yet.

"Not all our Exotic Weapons currently live up to this promise. In particular those weapons received from completing exotic bounties including Thorn and Bad Juju have disappointed many of us who have gone through the great effort to obtain them because, despite looking and sounding amazing, they feel underpowered. We're here to offer some advice: don't shard those guns. Their time will come."

Bungie has declined to say just when the buffs will appear for Destiny's exotic weapons, and seeing as how it has bigger things to worry about, it might not happen anytime soon.

Expect to hear much more about Destiny's upcoming updates, patches, and hotfixes soon enough.
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